Part 1: Instructions

As you go about answering the questions, please keep in mind the following:

First, enter the name, and organization of the author of this completed Conformance Statement (the "Applicant"), along with the name and version of the tool to which this statement refers.  Please submit a separate conformance statement for each major tool version.

Identifying Information
Applicant Name Organization Tool Name and Major Version
Tim O'Neill Avolution ABACUS 4.0 or later

Then, review and complete Part 2: Conformance Requirements and Part 3: Recommended Capabilities below.

The second row under the heading is labeled "Explanation" In the right-hand column of each of these rows, please describe concisely:

Part 2: Conformance Requirements

For certification, a tool must fulfill all of the requirements as specified in the tables below.

2.1 Concept Coverage

A conforming product shall support all of the concepts defined in the ArchiMate specification Chapters 3, 4, and 5 (Core), Section 10.2 (Motivation extension), and section 11.2 (Implementation & Migration extension).
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports all ArchiMate concepts, both from the Core and from both extensions.

2.2 Relationship Coverage

2.2.1 A conforming product shall allow the ArchiMate concepts to be connected by means of the relationships defined in the ArchiMate Specification Chapter 7 and section 10.3, according to the constraints in Appendix B.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None) Full
Explanation ABACUS supports all relationships as defined in the specification, and including all the constraints.

2.2.2 For each supported ArchiMate relationship as defined in requirement 2.2.1 above,  if the relationship applies to multiple combinations of ArchiMate concepts, the user of a conforming product shall be able to reuse the same relationship symbol and method to connect  each supported combination of concepts as denoted by their concept symbols.  For example, ArchiMate defines the association relationship for nearly all pairs of ArchiMate concepts.  However, the user of a conforming product shall be able to use a single line symbol to connect all pairs of concepts for which ArchiMate defines the association relationship.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports reusing the same relationship symbol for all supported combinations.

2.3 Language Notation

2.3.1 A conforming product shall implement the vocabulary, notation, syntax and semantics of the visual modeling language described in Chapters 3-7, Chapters 10-11, and Appendix A of the ArchiMate Specification.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None) Full
Explanation ABACUS implements the vocabulary, notation, syntax and semantics of the ArchiMate language.

2.3.2 A conforming product shall support nesting as an alternative representation of relationship types as described in sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 of the ArchiMate Specification.  The conforming product shall clearly indicate which relationships are defined by each nesting instance, and, in updatable views,  shall enable user control of relationships to be created, modified, or deleted.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports nesting of alternative representation of relationship types; ABACUS supports the automatic replacement of a relationship type by nesting.

2.3.3 A conforming product shall ensure that the graphical notation used for ArchiMate concepts and relationships remains unambiguously compliant with the ArchiMate Specification even after changes to the size, proportion, or color of modeling symbols.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation This is supported by ABACUS, since the graphical symbols remain the same, even after changing the size, proportion of color of the symbols.

2.4 Viewpoint Support

2.4.1 A conforming product shall support all the viewpoints specified in sections 8.4, 10.5 and 11.5 of the ArchiMate Specification by predefining them or by enabling ordinary or specially privileged users to define them.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation All viewpoints defined in the ArchiMate specification are predefined in ABACUS, and can be used by any user. Furthermore, in ABACUS, role-based access can be set using the ABACUS Administrator product to control Create-Read-Update-Delete usage of the various viewpoints.

2.4.2 A conforming product shall support design viewpoints both within and across ArchiMate layers and extensions, including a comprehensive viewpoint, in which all of the ArchiMate concepts and relationships are available.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports viewpoints both within and across the ArchiMate layers and extensions, including a so-called comprehensive view in which all concepts and relations are available.

2.4.3 A conforming product shall reuse objects from a single underlying model in multiple views. Specifically, any changes to objects, object properties, or relationships in one view shall be reflected in all views that present the changed objects, object properties, or relationships.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation In ABACUS any object or relationship is reused over multiple views, and any change to an object, property of relationship in any view is reflected in all views.

2.4.4 A conforming product shall allow for different graphical notations for an object in different views.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports any vector-based graphical notation for an object in different views.

2.4.5 A conforming product shall track the occurrences of objects in different views
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation For any object (concept or relationship) in the repository, ABACUS supports listing all occurrences of that object in different views using the References window.

2.5 Language Extension Mechanisms

2.5.1 A conforming product shall permit the users to add attributes to ArchiMate concepts and relationships  as described in section 9.1 of the ArchiMate Specification.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports defining attributes to both concepts and relationships. Indeed various ArchiMate libraries are freely available with predefined attributes for various types of analytics.

2.5.2 A conforming product shall permit users to define specializations of ArchiMate concepts as described in section 9.2 of the ArchiMate Specification.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports defining specializations of concepts.

Part 3: Recommended Capabilities

3.1 Concept Coverage

3.1.1 A conforming product may optionally provide predefined specializations of the ArchiMate concepts according to section 9.2 of the ArchiMate Specification
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS provides a limited number of predefined specializations and additional specializations can be created through simple right-clicks with the ABACUS Designer product.

3.1.2 A conforming product may optionally support concepts that are neither defined within ArchiMate nor are specializations of the ArchiMate concepts as long as they do not obstruct the use of ArchiMate.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS freely supports the concepts for over 100 additional notations and frameworks including TOGAF 9.1, OMG's BMM, UML and BPMN, OGC's P3O and ITIL; these concepts do not obstruct the use of ArchiMate and may be seemlessly combined to produce any hybrid framework the user desires.

3.2 Relationship Coverage

3.2.1 A conforming product may optionally provide predefined specializations of ArchiMate relationships according to section 9.2 of the ArchiMate Specification.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS provides a limited number of predefined specializations and additional specializations can be created through simple right-clicks with the ABACUS Designer product.

3.2.2 A conforming product may optionally support relationships that are not defined within the ArchiMate Specification as long as the product does not require the use of such relationships to develop an ArchiMate model.  
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS freely supports the relationships for over 100 additional notations and frameworks including TOGAF 9.1, OMG's BMM, UML and BPMN, OGC's P3O and ITIL; these relationships are not required to develop an ArchiMate model and may be seemlessly combined to produce any hybrid framework the user desires.

3.3 Language Notation

3.3.1 A conforming product may optionally support alternative notations for the concepts and relationships described in the ArchiMate Specification.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS supports several alternative notations for the ArchiMate concepts and relationships.

3.4 Other Capabilities

3.4.1 If a conforming product supports modeling frameworks and languages other than ArchiMate, it may optionally provide the same capabilities for ArchiMate as it does for the other supported modeling frameworks and languages.
Applicant Responses
Tool Conformance (Full, Partial, None)  Full
Explanation ABACUS is a flexible modelling platform that leads the market in architecture-based analytics. Accordingly, all analytic techniques available in ABACUS and natively supported within the over 100 additional notations and frameworks supported by ABACUS are available within ArchiMate.


4 Revision History

Revision Date of Completion Reason for Revision
1.0 June 2012 Initial version of the  ArchiMate 2 Tool CSQ